Thursday, January 24, 2008

So Much To Do, So Little Time

The Lunar New year is round the corner. There are loads & loads of things to do yet I don't have the time to finish all . Spring cleaning? Needless to say, with my little monster by my side, I simply can't get any job done with her asking for attention every few mins. When she is taking her nap, I will steal some time to do the laundry. By the time I can sit down to take a short break, she will wake. Pete & I have to take turns caring for her during the weekends. If we are not home, we will be out with her to the shopping malls & Gymboree.

CNY clothes? Sigh...although I am in shopping malls almost every weekend, I dun really get to shop. Pete has been very accomodating & sweet to take care of Chloe while I 'shop'. But I dun seem to find anything I like!! I didn't want to get something for the sake of just getting it. Perhaps I should avoid the weekend crowd & shop on a weekday instead. That would mean I have to take leave & leave my sales behind.

I am looking forward for a mini makeover at the salon this evening when I get to complain to my regular stylist for my stupid looking 'fringe'. I really wish she can do wonders to my stupid hairdo (thanks to the !$%$!@# stylist who did a lousy job in Nov 07). When you have a BAD HAIR DAY's really frustrating to look at yourself in the mirror.

Rounds of reunion dinner, Chloe's birthday bash prep, etc etc....will keep me very busy for the month of February & March 2008. So at the meantime, check out my updates of Chloe in this blog (if i dun KO at 8pm almost daily.)

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