Thursday, October 9, 2008

Chloe Goes To Childcare

Decided to summarize Chloe's first 4 days in childcare in one single post.

Chloe started goin to Childcare on Friday 3 October. During the 1st 3 days, she is only required to stay for half a day, ie) till 12 noon.

Day 1 :
Pete brought Chloe to the cc @ 8.40am while I report to work. By this time, most of the children have reached the childcare. She proceeded on to her classroom where she played with toys, ate breakfast, playtime @ the playground. She was quite disobedient as Pete told me she roamed around in class while the teacher is teaching :P She pooed after her breakfast & Pete took the chance to go for breakfast. During this time, she was pretty ok on her own & even wearing her own shoes to the playground. It was only when Pete got back & Chloe caught a glimpse of him from inside that she cried for him to carry her.

Day 2:
My turn to be with Chloe. As usual she roamed around in class while Teacher Monica & Teacher Wei Wei is teaching. When teacher Monica is on the topic of Flour, Chloe refused to feel the texture of it when she was encouraged to. Instead, she was more interested in the loaf of Gardenia raisin bread that the teacher brought out for the children to try :P Chloe practised on her motorskills by picking up a piece of bread from the plate with a toothpick. During lunch time, Chloe almost finished the bowl of fish porridge given to her. I am quite pleased that Chloe is eating well in school. Overall, she was great on her 2nd day in school.

Day 3:
Neither Pete or myself turned up at the cc. I merely brought her there in the morning before work & left after her daily health check. When Chloe felt my hands releasing her, she cried immediately. Quick thinking auntie Zhen hastily took over Chloe & carried her into the classroom. I left immediately as I did not want to see Chloe crying for me. I called teacher Monica at about 3.40pm. Teacher Monica was very pleased with Chloe's performance. She described Chloe as a 'wonderful' kid, telling me that she is independent & understood her instructions. Chloe is sociable & got along fine with her classmates. Poor Chloe dozed off in the middle of a class & teacher Alice had to carry her away. At one point during nap time, Chloe woke up & teacher monica told her to go back to sleep. Immediately Chloe understood & went back to 'sleep' with her eyes open. Gradually she fell asleep till the lights were on.

Day 4:
I was instructed to bring more diapers to school from the communication booklet. Chloe cried again after I passed her to Auntie Zhen. She was okay after about 5 mins. Teacher Monica told me that after play Chloe was looking high & low for Gong Gong. Poor darling, she remembers Gong Gong was there the day before after play time! I noticed Chloe was exceptionally hungry by the time it was 6pm. I guess I have to look into this & maybe get someone to feed her another round of milk after her break time at 3.30pm.

In summary, Chloe is adapting well in school & I am glad she is making a steady progress.

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