Friday, September 7, 2007


Mummy is going to let Chloe try some REAL food soon. It's going to be Chloe's first solid food experience other than the RICE CEREAL Chloe has tried so far.

Items mummy intend to let Chloe try are: apples, sweet potatos, bananas, avocadoes & pumpkin. Mummy is going to be busy preparing more food items for Chloe in time to come. Perhaps the Braun blender mummy has kept hidden in the storeroom since she has it can come to good use now.

Mummy is going to introduce to Chloe to the different food 'groups' over a short span of 4 days for each new food item. This is to ensure mummy can pinpoint the particular food item that Chloe might be allergic to. For a start, these food should be thin or pureed that are more easily digested for a small tummy.

Mummy is hoping Chloe will react well & most importantly enjoy the different taste & texture of the food in her meal!

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